Egg Donors

Donors Make Dreams Come True

Thank you for your interest in helping dreams come true! The decision to pass on your DNA is a big one. We are thrilled that you are considering becoming an egg donor.
Be assured, our egg donor process will only match you with intended parents with whom you can comfortably work. We understand your needs as well as intended parents.
We are here to support you every step of the way. You have the opportunity to drastically change the lives of childless couples and individuals both in the United States and abroad! Your egg donation experience is one you will truly treasure for years to come.

Egg Donor Requirements

To be eligible to donate through Pacific Egg Donors and Surrogacy you must be a female that is:
• Between the ages of 19 and 31
• Is a non-smoker
• You must be comfortable giving yourself daily injections with small needles (like those used for insulin).

We encourage women of all ethnic backgrounds to apply.
Benefits of Being an Egg Donor

When you become an egg donor you are making a difference in the lives of others. While egg donors are compensated for their time and efforts, many women find the greatest benefits are intangible. When you donate through Pacific Egg Donor sand Surrogacy you:

• Gain an incredible sense of self-fulfillment from giving the greatest gift humanly possible to another family
• Receive Compensation that can help you with your own goals and dreams.
• Be a team member of an incredible process

The Donation Process

Aloha prospective parents! We’re here to guide you through the surrogacy process. We know it is an exciting, stressful and an emotional. Our caring staff is ready to help support you on this life changing journey.

Below are the steps involved in the surrogacy process.

Step 1.
New Donor Consultation

After you are accepted into our program, you will attend a mandatory new donor consultation. This is where you will learn more about the egg donation process. This is a great time to address any questions you have.

Step 2.
Donor Profile Database

After your consultation, your profile will be created and added to our on-line database. This database is password protected for your security. Intended parents search the database based on their particular needs (similarity to the recipient mother, ethnic background, or other criteria) and select a donor.

Step 3.
Psychological Evaluation

Once you are selected, you will begin a series of appointments, starting with a psychological evaluation. This evaluation is performed to make sure that you are emotionally ready to perform what is required of a donor and to get a little insight into your personality.

Step 4.
Legal Review

Once we receive clearance from the psychologist, you will meet with an attorney to review your donor contract. We will let you know when we have received signed contracts from you and the intended parents. When we notify you, it’s time call the fertility center to arrange for your medical evaluation.

Step 5.
Medical Evaluation

The medical evaluation will include several tests, blood work, and a vaginal ultrasound. You will also receive training so that you know how to inject your medication when the time comes.

Step 6.
Psychological EvaluationThe Donation Cycle

When instructed, you will begin your medications. In this initial phase you will be synchronizing your cycle with the recipient’s cycle. This phase involves a hormone called Lupron. You will give yourself one injection a day. This usually happens for 12 days. You will then visit the fertility center for a blood test and an ultrasound in preparation for the stimulation phase. After this, it starts getting pretty busy for you. The good news is it doesn’t last long. During the stimulation phase you will give yourself an injection of follicle-stimulating hormone once a day for about 10 days. While in this phase, you will visit the fertility center every other day between 8:00 am and 10:00 am. These mandatory appointments are brief. They consist of an ultrasound and a blood draw to determine your hormone levels in preparation for the retrieval.

Step 7.
Retrieval Process

When your hormones have reached the appropriate level, the doctor will instruct you to take your final injection. This injection is called the “trigger” shot or hCG and it causes your ovaries to release eggs for the retrieval procedure. About 34 hours after the “trigger” shot, you will be at the fertility center for your egg retrieval procedure. You will be given a sedative to put you into a semi-conscious state. The retrieval is performed with a small aspiration needle and guided by an ultrasound. Most donors don’t feel anything and don’t remember anything from their procedure. You are closely monitored by both a physician and an anesthesiologist throughout the procedure.

Step 8.

About thirty minutes later you will be awake. Most donors return to work/school the following day. Your donor compensation is mailed to you after the egg retrieval.


The amount of egg donor compensation varies on a case by case basis. An egg donor fee will typically range from $6,000 to $10,000. Egg donors who have previously cycled or who have exceptional qualities may be paid more.

As an egg donor, your intended parent is responsible for all egg donor costs and expenses incurred as a result of an egg donation cycle. All egg donor expenses are paid, including:

  • Medical Expenses
  • Egg Donor Insurance
  • Egg Donor Compensation
  • Attorney Fees
  • Travel Expenses

For egg donors who have to travel, compensation is also provided for these expenses:

  • Airfare for the egg donor and a travel companion
  • Hotel accommodations (shared room for egg donor and companion)
  • Ground transportation
  • Up to $100 per diem for meals and incidental expenses

Egg Donor Risks and Possible Complications

Prior to beginning a donor egg cycle, you should discuss all potential risks and side effects of egg donation with your fertility physician.
There are several risks and side effects that may be associated with the egg donation process. In addition, there may be additional risks that have not been identified yet. Identified risks are:

  • Anesthesia – Anesthesia is a necessary part of the egg retrieval process. Any use of anesthesia carries some risk. The risks associated with anesthesia will be explained during a consultation with an anesthesiologist.
  •  Antibiotics – Any dose of antibiotics carries the risk of possible allergic reaction. In rare cases, this may be severe.
  •  Fertility Drugs – The hormones you take may cause moderate weight gain, mood changes, stomach pressure, headaches, and allergic reaction. An association between fertility drugs and ovarian cancer has been suggested but not proven.
  •  Inconvenience – The monitoring procedures during the stimulation phase and the time needed to perform the egg retrieval itself will result in a certain amount of inconvenience and lost time.
  •  Ovarian Hyper-Stimulation Syndrome (OHSS) In very rare cases, (5% in any cycle), hyperstimulation of the ovaries may lead to enlarged ovaries and an increased chance of blood clots that requires hospitalization. In very rare cases, it may also lead to the fluid in the abdomen or lungs, kidney failure, or stroke. In extremely rare cases, an enlarged ovary may rupture. A ruptured ovary may necessitate general anesthesia and major surgery, with all the inherited risks. Loss of one or both ovaries is possible. The risk of OHSS is minimized if the egg retrieval proceeds when planned. The risk increases if you choose not to undergo the egg retrieval process after taking the fertility medications to stimulate your ovaries. There is an unlikely possibility of a lasting effect on your pelvic organs: including pain, irregular menstrual function, or impairment of future fertility.
  • Phlebotomy– There may be mild discomfort and some risk of developing a bruise when blood is drawn, similar to when blood is drawn for any other reason.
  •  Psychological Distress – The egg donation process can be emotional. Psychological distress can be associated with assisted reproductive technology procedures.
  •  Risk of Pregnancy – Since it is possible that not all of the developed eggs will be recovered at the time of retrieval, there is a risk that you may become pregnant if you engage in unprotected intercourse any time during the egg donation cycle(s). You will also be more fertile in the month after donation.
  • Torsion – The twisting of an enlarged ovary can result in the sudden onset of severe abdominal pain. This may occur during exercise or other agitating movement.
  • Ultrasound Examinations – no known risks, minimal discomfort.
  • Ultrasound Guided Egg Retrieval – You may experience mild to moderate discomfort after the procedure. Potentially serious complications include bleeding, infection, and injury to the bowel or blood vessels. In extremely rare circumstances, surgery may be necessary to repair damage to internal organs or to control significant internal bleeding (i.e., hemorrhage).
  • Potential Long Term Risks – no definitive studies have demonstrated any link between egg donation and infertility, cancer, or any other significant long-term health problems. Since egg donation is a relatively new procedure, we hope to learn more about the long-term effects of donor eggs in the future when additional research becomes available.

Frequently Asked Questions

Egg donation can make a dramatic difference for individuals and couples attempting to create a family. The process is not complicated, but people often have questions. Pacific Egg Donors and Surrogacy has compiled answers to the questions we frequently hear about egg donors and the egg donation process.

We accept all races and ethnic backgrounds.

Women between the ages of 19 to 31 may qualify for the donor program.

The first step is to complete an online application. We use this application to identify good candidates for our egg donation program.
If you meet the prerequisites, we will contact you to schedule an initial consultation with one of our coordinators. During this meeting, the entire egg donation process will be discussed and all of your donation questions will be answered.

The screening process can vary due to scheduling, but our goal is for you to be screened in three appointments.

There are a variety of tests that are required to fully qualify you as an egg donor. We want to insure that you are physically and emotionally healthy enough to participate in our donor program and eligible to donate healthy eggs. You will be required to take medical tests such as:
• Complete blood work
• Psychological evaluation
• Detailed family medical history.

The donor does not pay any fee or charge. The intended parent is responsible for all costs associated with the cycle.

Egg donors are financially compensated for the effort, time and inconvenience that are related to the egg donation process. We offer a tiered compensation program that is fully covered during the screening process.

Once all of your medical testing is completed and you are approved as a potential egg donor, an online profile will be created. This profile gives intended parents the opportunity to learn more about the personality traits and features of approved egg donors.

No, donating your eggs will not affect your ability to conceive in the future. However, in the month after your donation you will be more fertile.

The American Society of Reproductive Medicine recommends up to 6 donations.

Thank you for your interest in becoming a donor! We are thrilled that you want to join our team.

Please fill out the below application to get started.